Church Interior

The architectural styles of the church are Neo-Gothic.

The architectural styles of the church are Neo-Gothic: the Chancel is in the Early English style, epitomised by the three-lancet east window. The Nave is in the Decorated style and the aisles are an example of Perpendicular architecture, with their flat-headed windows. This combination of styles gives a very harmonious and pleasantly proportioned whole.

The wooden altar is inscribed “To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Fanny Madge Swingler of Smalley Hall AD 1919” and the carved wooden reredos is dated 1864. The silver altar cross and the flower vases were given in memory of Alfred Swingler of Smalley Hal, who died in 1930. The silver candlesticks, dated 1967, were given in memory of Nurse Plant, or many years the local District Nurse and a regular worshipper in the church.

The Communion Rail was erected in 1908 and is a poignant memorial to Daphne Phelps, aged 7 days, daughter of the Vicar.

The carved choir stalls were a gift of the Reverend T B Charlesworth.

The church originally had a wooden pulpit, but this was replaced by the present stone one, which came from Rolleston and was presented to Revd Charlesworth, Vicar from 1898 to 1905.

The brass lectern bears the inscription that it was dedicated to the memory of the Reverend William Bradshaw of Barton Blount, Derbyshire, for 13 years Rector of Smalley, by this wife, May 13th, 1980.

Mrs Mary Buttle Radford of Smalley Hall gave the organ in 1865 at a cost of £200. The organ originally was powered by boys pumping the bellows and hidden from the congregation behind a curtain. An electric motor replaced the boys in 1947.

The font was given by Mr Anthony Kerry in 1856 I memory of his only daughter.

This replaced an earlier font, the disposal of which has conflicting records.

Front pews on either side of the centre aisle were removed in 1949 to enable processions round the church to be more easily conducted.

The gas lights were replaced by electricity in 1950.

The Children's Corner in the north aisle was dedicated in 1951 and was created by the removal of some rows of pews and the installation of a small altar. The plain glass window was replaced with stained glass, showing Christ surrounded by children. This was a gift of Emily Raynes and is dedicated to her mother, Phoebe Raynes, Caroline Cattle (of Smalley Hall) and all mothers. The Baptismal Roll is to be found in this Corner, as well as gifts of candlesticks, a bookcase and other items.

The Remembrance Corner was established in the southwest corner of the church in 1971 by the removal of old pews and in the installation of the Book of Remembrance in its glass-topped caswe. This primarily records the deaths of people whose mortal remains have been cremated and whose ashes are interred in the Garden of Remembrance, which is situated in a corner of the churchyard.

The Roll of Honour on the west wall of the church, above the font, commemorates the villagers who gave their lives in the two World Wars. The original memorial of oak panels is carved with the names of the thirty-one men who died during the Great War of 1914-1918 and also there are listed the names of people from the village who served in the Armed Forces during that war.

After the 1939-1945 war, two smaller panels were added, one on either side, carved with the names of the six men who died as a result of that war, along with the words “We Will Remember Them”.

The generosity of the Richardson, Radford and Sitwell families is responsible for much of the fabric of the church as it is today. In more recent times, the church is indebted to Mr & Mrs Edwards of Smalley Hall, who were of great assistance in fund-raising for church maintenance and improvements, and also the gift of the building, previously the Girls’ and Infants’ School, for use as the Church

In addition to items specifically mentioned previously, the church also contains many more which have been generously donated over the years by people wishing to commemorate events, relatives and friends.